Signs that Your Partner is Horny

Signs that Your Partner is Horny

With men, knowing when they are horny and turned on is easy – men are always horny. If a hot woman were to walk up to a random guy and ask if he wanted to have sex, he would respond with a resounding “yes”. With women, it can be a bit more complicated. Women don’t...
How to Go From Sexy to Sexting

How to Go From Sexy to Sexting

Flirting through text message is fun and exciting, especially when it leads to sexting. Sexting is more intimate that phone sex, since you can actually see the person you’re being intimate with. When you’re flirting with someone through text, though, and you’re...
How Often Do Women Masturbate?

How Often Do Women Masturbate?

A question that is often asked is, “How Often Do Women Masturbate?” While the question might seem straightforward at first, the answer is a little more complex. Everyone is different, and that is okay. That said, there is a lot to say about masturbation. It is healthy...
What Are the Best Times for Phone Sex?

What Are the Best Times for Phone Sex?

There are many different times people like to use for phone sex, but which are the best? There are many variables to consider when determining the best time for phone sex for you. This article explores many of the most prominent ones, helping you decide when the best...