Get Creative Using Sound

Get Creative Using Sound

When natural senses such as sight and smell are eliminated, your other senses become enhanced, forcing one to commit to focusing purely on sound and vivid imagination to meet the expectations of their partner.In this topic we’re going to share some insight as to how...
Signs that Your Partner is Horny

Signs that Your Partner is Horny

With men, knowing when they are horny and turned on is easy – men are always horny. If a hot woman were to walk up to a random guy and ask if he wanted to have sex, he would respond with a resounding “yes”. With women, it can be a bit more complicated. Women don’t...
What Are the Best Times for Phone Sex?

What Are the Best Times for Phone Sex?

There are many different times people like to use for phone sex, but which are the best? There are many variables to consider when determining the best time for phone sex for you. This article explores many of the most prominent ones, helping you decide when the best...