In the beginning stages of a relationship, it’s normal to feel compelled to prioritize your blossoming romance over other aspects of your life.

But if you find yourself losing your sense of identity, it can be a big red flag that something is wrong. Keep reading to learn some of the signs that you’re losing yourself in your relationship and what to do about it!

1. Take care of yourself.

Taking care of yourself is a key component of a happy relationship. It’s about finding ways to feel your best physically, emotionally and mentally so that you can be fully present and engaged in your life with your partner.

You can start by incorporating self-care into your everyday routine. Try doing something you enjoy, whether it’s a hobby, exercise, reading or meditation.

It’s also important to communicate effectively with your partner. Talking openly about how you’re feeling and what’s going on in your life is a great way to take care of yourself and ensure that your relationship is healthy.

Learning how to communicate and understand emotions is an essential skill that can make or break a relationship. By practicing it regularly, you’ll be able to communicate with your partner more easily, and stay more connected with them.

2. Communicate.

Communication is a key factor in any relationship. And it’s especially important in relationships where there is conflict.

When you communicate clearly, you can avoid misunderstandings that lead to anger or resentment. It’s also a great way to build connection and understanding with your partner.

Be open with your partner and talk about your feelings in a non-judgmental manner, using Marshall B. Rosenberg’s nonviolent communication technique (see below).

It can be hard to talk about things that make us feel vulnerable, so take it slowly and be kind to yourself. Your partner will appreciate you for taking the time to get close and be genuinely interested in their experiences.

3. Don’t expect your partner to be perfect.

In healthy relationships, both partners are responsible for balancing their own needs with those of the other. This allows them to rely on each other without feeling overly smothered or overwhelmed.

If you have unrealistic expectations in your relationship, you may find yourself getting frustrated and resentful. In order to avoid this, it’s important to be able to recognize when your expectations are too high and make adjustments accordingly.

In addition, it’s also important to remember that people change. This is something that will always happen in relationships.

4. Don’t try to change your partner.

When it comes to relationships, there are some things that you cannot change. These include who your partner is at their core and how they interact with others.

As a result, it can be difficult to focus on how you can grow and improve your relationship. Instead, it is important to be patient with your partner and understand that they are human and not perfect.

If you want your partner to be their best self, encouraging them to strive for growth is a good thing. But forcing them to change their behaviors or respond differently to situations can cause damage and push them away.

You should never try to force someone to change who they are and what they do. This can lead to problems and may even cause a breakup.

5. Don’t try to make your partner happy.

It’s natural to want your partner to be happy, but expecting them to do so will only cause a lot of stress. It’s much easier to find happiness within yourself, and then your relationship can grow from there.

It can also be helpful to look at your beliefs, as they may be causing negative behaviors or conflict in your relationships. Be sure to replace any destructive beliefs with empowering ones, as they can help you be a better partner.

If you notice that you are constantly trying to make your partner happy or doing things they don’t like, this could be a sign that they aren’t feeling as happy in the relationship. Try to cut out the activities or behavior that makes them unhappy, and focus on doing things you both enjoy together.